Tuesday, January 15, 2008

About it all...

On the way home from work, one of my favorite songs came on the radio. I started contemplating all my "power songs". For those of you that may not know my definition, power songs are the songs that you listen to when you need to clean the house, exercise, or get psyched to go out. I thought that I would write a blog about my songs and where they came from...

Then I got distracted...

There was a knock on my door, and I usually do not answer, not because I live by myself (although that is usually my excuse) but because I am a total sucker. Whether it is the kid who is always selling crap to stay off drugs or the people who are constantly trying to upgrade my windows, I always get drawn in and can't say no. Well, because of the unusual type of knock, and the fact there was actually a car in the driveway, I thought it was someone I knew. Well, low and behold, it was a big black man selling meat. :) Anyway, I got suckered again...even though I was proud of myself that I talked them down to a third of what they were asking. I am still sure I got ripped off. So, I have a freezer full of meat that I am not sure I can ever eat...steaks anyone???

Then I checked my email...

I finally got an email from my lawyer, and the first sentence in her email said "you are up for divorce this Saturday". Really? This Saturday? I knew it was in January, but the date really snuck up on me. As relieved as I am, I had a slight moment of panic. Not because I don't want a divorce, because trust me, I have never looked back. But, soon I will officially have the label...DIVORCED. Seems so much worse than separated like its my "scarlet letter". I am thoroughly happy to embark on my new life, and leave the old one behind, but sometimes words can be so powerful.

I guess this blog is just a little about everything since I just couldn't decide what to write about...but, on a brighter note, I guess I can begin planning my divorce party...make lemonade out of lemons.

Side note: Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr! Thank you for all the gifts you brought to this world.

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