Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Doula Birth

I recently had a conversation with one of my friends about a doula being present during labor and birth. Most, who are familiar with a doula's profession, understand that a doula is not meant to be there in a medical capacity. Doulas provide the type of care that is absent in most hospital, attention, and compassion. I have been reading The Birth House by Ami McKay, and shortly after the conversation with my friend, I stumbled on this passage...

The conversation was between a doctor and a midwife during the time when midwives and homebirths were being replaced by hospital care...

"The danger's in forgettin' who's really in charge. Science don't know kindness. It don't know kindness from a cabbage," Miss B. interrupted.
The doctor raised his voice. "Science is neither kind nor unkind, Miss Babineau. Science is exact."
"Exact? Exact don't do a woman no good when she's wailin' for her mama."

Doulas help in providing that kindness...

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