Monday, March 15, 2010

Her Spirit

Nikki has been my dog (aka baby bear), for seven years now. Right now she is curled up around my feet smelling of shampoo from her recent bath. I began thinking about our last vet visit. I took her in for what I thought was a broken tail. But it turned out to be sprained due to excessive wagging. I had never heard of such a thing before! But, if a dog were to get would be her. Even though she is a little accident prone, she really is an amazingly sweet and happy dog who evidently wags her tail too much. :) Nikki's basic needs are food, water, and LOVE. When I am in one of my selfish or crabby moods, I often look at her. All day, every day she is peaceful, content, and ready to give and receive love. There is so much beauty in her spirit.

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